Rising Hope is committed to ministering in love to everyone and to building strong foundations and connections with our community along the Route One corridor.
We are here to support each person’s unique journey.
Rising Hope Kitchen
At noon, Monday through Friday, the Rising Hope Kitchen welcomes people in for a community based lunch. We also offer a lunch meal following each Sunday Worship Service.
Rising Hope provides a Drop In Center Monday through Friday from 10:00am-1:30pm. The Drop in Center helps to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for people to catch a break from extreme weather and commune with neighbors. Lunch is provided by the Rising Hope kitchen and water is available.
Food market
The Food Market is open for guest shopping by appointment only Tuesday-Thursday from 1:30pm-4:30pm.
New guests may come into Rising Hope Monday-Friday from 10am - 11:30am to fill out an application for the market.
Rising Hope is a proud partner of the Emergency Food Assistance Program provided through the USDA, an equal opportunity provider.
Individuals must bring their own shopping bags.
Contact Raquel Burbano by email with questions or for more information.
Emergency Referrals and Assistance
All individuals and families in need of emergency assistance can fill out an application Monday - Friday from 10am - 1:30pm. Contact Maritza Zermeno by email for more information.
Hope Closet
Our Hope Closet is open to those who are without housing and are in need of hygiene items, clothing and basic resources for daily living. Guests can fill out an application for assistance through the closet Monday - Friday during drop-in hours. Contact Katie Maggs by email for more information.
Personal ID and Voter Registration
Rising Hope partners with Vote Riders and the community to help bring voter ID information and assistance to voters. This includes helping clients fill out paperwork for IDs, birth certificates, social security or other identification needed for voter registration. Additionally, Rising Hope lends its address and maintains mail for those who are experiencing homelessness so they can receive IDs and other important voter paperwork. Contact Jackie Martin by email for more information.
Hypothermia Shelter
In partnership with Ventures in Community and New Hope Housing, Rising Hope provides overnight emergency shelter for up to 24 individuals experiencing homelessness from December through March. Volunteers from community churches and local civic groups provide a hot, home cooked dinner, breakfast bags and overnight volunteer staff each night. Contact Katie Maggs by email for more information.
Holiday Meals
Rising Hope provides a luncheon on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day to our community members. To volunteer at either of these events or for more information, please contact Darlene Runaldue by email.
Partner Organizations